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The Chip Board Archive 20

Please read Donations for Todd Family

Derek Bistricky and myself have been collecting donations for Mark & Tonya Todd. Alot of you know Mark as the crazy Kentucky Hillbilly that collects Personal Chips. As a friend of Mark's I can tell you he is a hard worker who was barely getting by and earlier this week his wife Tonya was diagnoised in the late stages of Lupus. Se we are asking no we are begging for any help you fellow chippers can do. Montery donations can be sent to me by paypal gift at or mailed by snail mail to Charles Bianco 6308 MT. Everest Drive Louisville, KY 40216-1336. There are several chip auctions going on at this time on the Chip Board and there is also a Donation Challege that was posted by Mark & Lynn Englebrestion so please go find these on TCB and do what you can do.

We know these are some hard times for alot of us and if you can only donate one chip please mail to me at the address in this post. I will put togrther all the chips in one post and we will auctioned them off as one lot. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank You all in advance for coming through for a fellow chipper and may God Bless you all.

Messages In This Thread

Please read Donations for Todd Family
Here are the links Charles is referring to...
I will send these chips
Rodney Thanks so Much
Paypal Sent
Re: Paypal Sent
Charles, The following chips
Robert Thank You so much
WOW Robert ! Very generous of you grin
I am embarrassed and Speechless,,,,
Re: I am embarrassed and Speechless,,,,
Mark .... everything will go well for you ...
chips going in the mail tomorrow or Friday
Neal Thanks so Much

Copyright 2022 David Spragg