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The Chip Board Archive 20

NCR Thoughts and Prayers for Mark Todd and Family

I have just received an email from my good friend Mark Todd, which a lot of you know as the old hillbilly from Kentucky that collects personal chips. Both Mark and his wife Tonya have had various medical problems in the past. Today Mark informs me that his wife Tonya is in late stages of Lupus. I know Mark to be a hard worker, but with all the medical bills and child support, they barely make ends meet from week to week. I know that they will need help with medical bills and if anyone would like to help, please contact me at the above email address. I will be sure to deliver any donations that I receive. If you cannot help in a monitary way, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks so much.

Charles and Janet Bianco

Copyright 2022 David Spragg