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The Chip Board Archive 20

Messieurs Étienne Bourgogne and Claudius Grasset

I ran across some interesting history of the French chip maker Bourgogne and Grasset founded by these two gentlemen in the 1920's. Below is a link to that web site. Scroll down past the stock informtion to read the history.

There are also a couple of paragraphs on the two US chipmakers that were merged into B & G a few years ago, Bud Jones Company and Paul-son Gaming.

I do see one error in the Bud Jones history. The article says Bud Jones originated the metal center casino chip by incorporating an actual silver coin into a molded plastic chip. Maybe he made one or two, but all the BudJones CIC chips I've seen have either stainless steel or brass coin inlays. There are some chips used in South Americal that appear to have actual coins embedded in jetons or plaques, but I don't believe Bud Jones had anything to do with their production.

Messages In This Thread

Messieurs Étienne Bourgogne and Claudius Grasset
Re: actual silver coin into a molded plastic chip
Re: actual silver coin into a molded plastic chip

Copyright 2022 David Spragg