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The Chip Board Archive 19

The goal is to get Greg IN the Rose Parade,

but if that doesn't work out, he'll have his own seat right on Colorado Blvd! Then we're off to the Rose Bowl game. And hopefully, the Longhorns will be coming to Pasadena and we'll have to stick around for the game on January 7th! vbg

Messages In This Thread

grin The Greg Susong chip is on the move grin
grin grin grin grin TY Steve grin
BY the way, here the link to bookmark
Unfortunately Greg missed the G2E expo
Re: Unfortunately Greg missed the G2E expo
Re: Unfortunately Greg missed the G2E expo
Great Photos Steve!
grin Thanks, Steve...I look forward to having Greg
The goal is to get Greg IN the Rose Parade,
Steve, Most Excellent!
The photos are now uploaded and at...
I'll mail The WHINER a new stand tomorrow to...
Von or Andy - Here's an Idea
That idea has been brought up, but...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg