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The Chip Board Archive 19

Found in WA State. Will probably sell it now sad

Has a story that I can't confirm. Evidently this guys grandmother took frequent trips to vegas with mob friends. His mother may have chips from other casino's in addition to this one. I paid a fair amount over what the person would have originally taken, hoping he might let me see some of the others in the future. I get up to the Seattle area once in a while and we will stay in contact. The smart thing to do would be to go ahead and sell this chip. sad Haven't sold on feebay in a couple years. Today I had to send two eviction notices to tenants who just stoped paying rent. I do not see the economy getting better around here. Wish I could afford to help the people out more, but still have to pay the mortgage. Here is a better scan of the chip. Notice the chip @8 o'clock. Really do like this chip and from communication it would be the sixth chip known. I have named it "Balloon Boy" lol
Thanks for all the info and help.

Messages In This Thread

Attn:Experts,Need Rare high end chip approximate
Yours is the 2nd issue, not the 1st.
Only found this info from casinorarities.
I think most of that site is years out of date.
Great chip! Where did you find it?
Found in WA State. Will probably sell it now sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg