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The Chip Board Archive 19

Extra! Current Greg Susong Chip Board Auction Extra!

We are currently running an auction of donated items to honour our friend, Greg Susong. The money realized through the proceeds of these auctions will be sent to The American Cancer Society in the name of Greg Susong. Please bid what you can to support this most worthy cause.

Len Cipkins is the current high bidder at $300 with the auction ending Thursday night, October 22nd at 8PM, PDT. We will add additional items as the bidding increases (please scroll to the bottom of the page to see what will be added if the price reaches $350).

Shown below is what is currently in this first auction:

$2 Boulder Club chip donated by Doug Saito

$5K LV Club NCV, Joby’s Tahoe & obsolete $1 Vegas chips donated by Von McKenzie

Above chips donated by The Bedo Family

Debbie Reynolds $5 chip donated by Dennis Shoop

Donated by the USC Trojan Freshman Party Crew Class of 2013

Thank you for your interest & your help. grin

Steve Bedo

If we get to $350, we will add the following items:

Donated by the "I Love Screaming 'I Love Greg Susong'" Fan Club

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Current Greg Susong Chip Board Auction Extra!
Extra! If the current auction gets to $350, we will
I Will Bid $400
grin WOOOO HOOOO!! Thanks, Marty!! grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg