The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 19

Anyone have an extra of these,,,,

3 Personals???? I REALLY LIKE these 3 personals and I would love to get them!! Yea, I need about 1,000+ & a LOT more personals too but I really want these. If you have them and can part with them please let me know. There is another color of Chuck's I would LOVE to get!! Thank you all so very much for your time and help. You all will NEVER know what you all mean to me and how much I appreciate your help!! I could spend all day on the site & look at the personals and pick out so many I would LOVE to have but I know I never will. Story of my life,,,, A Day Late,,,,, A Dollar Short,,,,, Thank you all again and have a great day, Mark

Copyright 2022 David Spragg