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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: grin Twelve to go grin
In Response To: grin Twelve to go grin ()

Steve wrote.......

"If anyone has the $100 striped Paris jeton & is looking to sell it"

I'll sell mine for $8,000. And no, I did not get the picture you sent. Please send it again.

Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

grin Twelve to go grin
Re: grin Twelve to go grin
Re: grin Twelve to go grin
Re: grin Twelve to go grin
Sent it from my phone...I'll resend grin
As Dr. Evil would say...
Nice one Steve, a set I love but cant justify
Just curious, what would you pay for a Sahara
Matched numbers?
Still only one set known to the hobby!
If ONLY there were some way......
Im afraid not.
David, My $20 is #1300
It'll cost you 100 million dollars vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg