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The Chip Board Archive 19

PayPal infusion needed! wanted for sale ...

This is the deal...

I need a $10 infusion to my PayPal Account to cover the remaining part of an eBay purchase. If anyone is willing to just transfer $10 to my Account (using my email addy above) then I will send replacement funds via snail mail. Be sure to include your snail mail addy in the message that is sent to confirm payment.

However, in the absence of a transfer, then I am offering the below Nevada fractionals at $2 each, However, the buyer MUST take a minimum of 5 chips and add $1 to defray some of the shipping cost.

(Railroad Pass is Hot-Pink.)

The small print: I reserve the right to cancel the for sale aspect of this offer in lieu of a friendly money transfer as a preferred action. If the for sale aspect is invoked, I will accept only one buyer for as few as 5 chips or as many as he/she may want over 5 for a maximum of what is in the scan. Lastly, since the friendly transfer is preferred (by me) I'd like to hold that aspect of this post open for the next 3 hours and then open the for sale aspect. However, the for sale aspect of this post is "first come, first served" and a taker can certainly get their dibs in at the point of this message being posted. A reply post here or an email message will be fine and I thank you!


Messages In This Thread

PayPal infusion needed! wanted for sale ...
Thanks Rich! Now, please feel free to pick...
Re: PayPal infusion needed! wanted for sale ...
Everett, switching to email. Jim

Copyright 2022 David Spragg