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The Chip Board Archive 19

Mr. Perry ... ???

Mr. Perry,

What is pathetic about the CC>CC? What have you done to try and improve it? The CC>CC is a volunteer organization, there are no paid staff. In a volunteer organization you have to realize that every volunteer also has a family, a career and other outside interests that have higher priorities. Could the CC>CC be better? Absolutely. But who is going to do the work to improve it? If you don't, why do you expect that others will?

The most pathetic thing about the CC>CC are members, or former members, who complain and yet do nothing themselves to improve it.

Messages In This Thread

Yes, sooner or later, people smarten up, Gee
Mr. Perry ... ???
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad
So True ...
Couldn't agree more with you Charles!!
I hate this $hit !! Stop it !!!

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