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The Chip Board Archive 19

Blue Chip Company ceases retail operations.

I was waiting for someone to post about this but since I'm sure you guys would like to know about it I will go ahead and post.

Blue Chip Company ends retail orders--deadline for orders Aug. 31, 2009

Mike Endy emailed and confirmed this. He said, "We have taken the Blue Chip Co. about as far as we are able, unless another group can carry it forward." He said that they finally had to draw a line in the sand. He went on to say that they will be completing the orders in their backlog and also all orders up to Aug 31st.

He appreciated the support and is fine with having a discussion thread opened on the subject. We also opened a separate discussion for vendors and customers to discuss what to do with various molds and lines of chips that are still live.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg