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The Chip Board Archive 19


Hello fellow chippers,
My name is Justin Bradley. Some of you I might have had the pleasure doing business with in the past. Toward the end of last month I started talking
with Jim Forsman about aquiring a set of Chips from the Sunflower Club in Reno a $5 and a $25. Very beautiful chips I might ad. The condition was
better than the scans. I told Jim that I would send a check for $200 usd. At this same time I was also negotiating with John Benedict about a transaction for three chips. I left for a 2 week vacation on Wednesday the 25th after telling Jim that I would take the 2 Sunflower chips for $200. I put a check in the mailbox before I left. Unfortunatly for Jim I forgot to put the stamp on the envelope. Jim sent his Sunflower chips before he received my check. Upon my return from Maine, and by the way Maine is so beautiful if you ever get a chance to spend time in New England you must go up into Maine it feels so untouched. Sorry...a little bit of a tangent upon my return from Maine I found 2 Sunflower chips in my P.O. Box, Jims check in the House mailbox, more that a half a dozen heated emails in red lettering, and and someone trashing me on the chipboard.

I'm sorry you had to get all worked up like this Jim. Appartently this transaction didn't go as smooth as planned due to my postage error. I have put
your beautiful Sunflower chips into air-tite cases and packaged them for shipment. I will pay for return postage and insure them for the amount of your asking price. I do not wish to purchase these chips from you anymore after how you reacted here on the chipboard I'm sorry. Everytime I look at these chips I will get a bad vibe as appose to the enjoyment I get from looking at my chips. I will find others at another time. Maybe even at the convention in June! I will be attending for the first time. I've never been to Vegas before. I've always wanted to go. I'm so excited. Hopefully I will run into the people that I have encountered here on the chipboard.

In regards to our discussion Mr.John Benedict I would still like to complete transaction. You asked for a USPS money order, can I pay you via paypal. It is so much easier, quicker, and without error. I will send a email to your box about further possible business.

Jim, again I am sorry. Hopefully "EVERYONE" can chalk this up to a costless possible lesson learned by which making sure payment is received before valuable items are released from your possesion. Personally, I would never ship something to anyone I didn't personally know without a payment in my hand or my account.


Justin Bradley


Do you have to be a member of the CCGTCC to attend trading session at the convention???

Copyright 2022 David Spragg