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The Chip Board Archive 19

I've been editing my posts here for years. Here's

... how I do it:

I first delete the post, then I keep hitting by back button until I come back to "preview" which bypasses the whole index (board) and my last final post. When preview is up I simply delete whatever I wish within the post and "preview" once again (I'm already there). The only person who knows I've done this is the person to whom I'm responding (if it's a response post), because I'm exactly back in the same location within the thread but that person has received an e-mail notice of my response for the second time and also sees the "no message" notice when they click on to the original post which is no longer on the index.

I can do it here and now if anyone wants to see what I'm talkin about. grin


Messages In This Thread

Question how do you delete a post?
Fred, assuming you are referring to...
Can I change my password?
Just enter a new one and 'save' it the next
When that is done, does it then work on...
Ive never tested it, but I suspect the latter
Thanks Jim
Maybe a good idera if we could EDIT our posts
Excellent idea Robert I could just correct a few
Yeah ......
Not to mention the post with the occational...
LOL Smitty you have a great memory
It was Christmas Eve too Fred vbg
I've been editing my posts here for years. Here's
For this, I'm from Missouri! Give me a try please!
Jim, You've already responded to my post ...
John, perhaps I mis-understood what you...
"..hours, days and even weeks later.." ? vbg

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