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The Chip Board Archive 19

A few more thoughts....

... on the House Mold Trumpet roulette chip. The initial 4 designs of Orleans roulette chips were on Roulette Mold chips including the Trumpet. The later 2 issues - Beads and Sax were on the House Mold chips. In order for the Trumpet chip to appear on a House Mold chip it probably was produced after the original order of Roulette Mold chips were made.

With that being said - the chip still could have been accidentally produced on the wrong mold or ALL replacement chips might be on the House Mold. A survey of the chips currently on the tables may help us figure out what happened. If no other House Mold chips are found, then the one Jim showed might be a "rare" errror chip. If a lot more chips are found then there may be an entire rack of House Mold replacement chips with the original 4 designs. We will then possibly have 24 more different Orleans roulette chips to Harvest - Oh, boy !!!
Take care,
"Mr. Roulette"

Messages In This Thread

Orleans Roulette Chip question - my answer ...
Thank you Jerry. I guess I know where...
Jerry what a Tiger win you saw Whow!! again,&again
Hi Fred - I'll post a report on my Florida trip ..
Re: Orleans Roulette Chip question - my answer ...
A few more thoughts....
Jerry, before getting carried away...
Well send me one !!!!
Sorry Jerry, it's already packaged up...
Re: Sorry Jerry, it's already packaged up...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg