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The Chip Board Archive 19

"I work for food and chips"

I just hate what is happening to this country.

These programs mainly help people who are losing their home or do not pay much for taxes. (this is not my fault people bought more than they could afford.....and took out home equity loans and now the house is worth less than they owe)

One of my great friends took out more than one of these equity loans....bought expensive cars, trips, flatsceens, etc. He is upside down for 150,000 and is currently in forclosure. Yet he is not paying his morgage and blowing the money on non-critical items. He is offering his $30,000 boat to me for $15,000....I dont need

I just need to get on welfare and have great medical,dental, schooling, reduced rent or morgage payments, food stamps, public funds and a federal tax refund that would choke a horse.

The middle income is going to get pounded more and more for paying federal income tax.

I paid in over 13,000 in Federal tax last year.....I still had to pay extra. (home owner, kids for deductions) I cant wait for next years taxes.

I will be on some street corner with my new sign!!

"I work for food and chips"

Messages In This Thread

NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my paycheck
Just in time for the CA sales tax increase
Doug-Don't spend it all in one place-spread it out
"I work for food and chips"
Bottom Line: We're still "NUMERO UNO" grin USA
Ya but our Govt is turning into "#2"
Still better than those other-type governments grin
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Treat yourself, maybe a half cigar!!
$6.54/week will offset the $6.20 federal tax
Say it aint so Wayne ! I distinctly remember Obama
Re: earmarks promise !!!!!!!
I think it has something to do with raising $4-Bil
If the tax was to help cancer research or families
Re: If the tax was to help cancer research or fami
Lets just say a LOT of battered women depend on me
Re: Lets just say a LOT of battered women depend o
That, too, would be a good tax ...
... like all his appointees.
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
What about us who do not get a paycheck??????

Copyright 2022 David Spragg