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The Chip Board Archive 19

Ruben hang tough !!!!

I recently advertised on Craigs list offering to do odd jobs of any kind and I have had some response and have recently worked for a nice fellow Last Saturday. People need good honest workers and even some temp hire makes one feel good. My job has been cutting my hours and I am tired of watching the axe fall. Another way to bring in some money is look up E.F. International on google. I am hosting students from abroad that come to the US to learn english. They come from Well to do familys and the school pays you every 2 weeks. Feel free to Email me for more details. Best of luck. John

Messages In This Thread

Getting Worried
Best of luck during a very difficult time....
Re: Best of luck during a very difficult time....
Re: Best of luck during a very difficult time....
Hang in there Ruben
Ruben,,,, I know this doesn't,,,,
Re: Ruben,,,, I know this doesn't,,,,
I'd also go with prayer before worry.
Ruben hang tough !!!!
Hope things turn around Ruben
Prayers Headed Your way, Good Luck!
Wishing you the best, Ruben!!
Wishing you the best, Ruben!!
Re: Getting Worried
Ruben, Best wishes durring this difficult time.
Yeah, what he said...hang in there!
Re: Will keep you in my Prayers
Hang in there, Ruben!
I find that prayers help but Networking
Will keep you in my prayers to find a job!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg