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The Chip Board Archive 19

for sale Lots O Chips

22 Pages, frees shipping/insurance and if it has an air-tite when I pull it, that's free as well. Satisfaction or return for a refund. No questions asked. Well I actually may ask - but no matter what the reason, you'll still get a refund.

20% off High TCR, but some are discounted up to 35% and of course some (Landmark $1) are not at all.

Why are Landmark values never consistent with market prices? Hey - TCR authors - can you adjust those to conform to the market prices of the last 3 years?

Have a look - it's raining here so it's something to do even if you have no intention of buying.

Everyone have a great day. I am off to ship what I sold (most shipped Friday) and then work on my basement renovation. I was gonna do the brakes on the truck, but rain kills that. I have a garage, but like most of it, everything BUT a car has taken over.

Chip pictured is $128 shipped/insured - not a bad deal IMO. The Stardust is just a memory and the Echelon Center, well - I don't expect it to ever be completed by Boyd.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg