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The Chip Board Archive 19

It's a miracle!

.... A faith healer came to town and at the end of the sermon asked for those who needed healing. Two gentlemen came on to the stage. The healer asked the first his name, and he replied, "Bob." He had come up walking on crutches and it was apparent he had a problem with his legs, so the preacher told him to go behind a small curtain located near the pulpit and wait. He asked the next guy, who didn't have and apparent problem to tell him his name and why he had come forth. He replied, "M M My na n name is Ja Ja Joe, an and I I st stud studder." Like the first guy he was told to go behind the curtain and wait. The preacher then prayed and and chanted as he waved his arms all about, then called out. "BOB, THROW YOUR CRUTCHES OVER THE CURTAIN!!" Soon one crutch came flying over, then another. Next, the preacher called out, "JOE, SPEAK!!" A voice came from behind the curtain, "B B Bob j jus just bu busted h his ass."

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sad Possible AOL Posting Problem
Give it a try now. I think I found the problem
grin It's a miracle! - Thanks, Greg...
It's a miracle!
Re: sad Possible AOL Posting Problem

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