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The Chip Board Archive 19

Of course the bonuses could have been delayed...

Of course the bonuses could have been delayed if both parties agreed to it. But you said that in the same sentence that "Liddy had the power to halt those bonuses".

It was also stated that if the company went into bankruptcy, it would have prevented the payments...

There are lots of options that could have been done to prevent the immediate payment...

Liddy made it clear that he relucting paid the bonuses for the reasons I already detailed. It was also discussed in the meetings that Liddy said it was a tiny fraction of cost compared to the total loss if the company fails to wind that business down... Why is that so hard for people to understand?

Sounds like Congress had some chances to halt those bonuses too yet they fail to point the finger at themselves. They had a couple of chances to write laws to prevent them. They also could have given bailout money with stipulation that the company goes into bankruptcy.

We should have hearings on Congress can pass billion dollar legislation without reading them...

Messages In This Thread

AIG exec returns Bonus
Re: AIG exec returns Bonus
What a Red Herring
Re: What a Red Herring
Don't Be Fooled
Re: Don't Be Fooled
One Question Mike
Re: One Question Mike
...and some scream about feeding an auto worker
I agree with you Jerry.
Re: AIG exec returns Bonus
"quitting was the only GOOD part"???
...and on that same day it has also been made ...
I heard you were an attorney. Is that true???
Here's the committee's point:
Of course the bonuses could have been delayed...
Please don't hit me with ...
I seriously doubt that's a true stmt...
Then simply answer the question:
They read the "schoolhouse rock" version of it grin
...and even that was probably read to some'dem. grin
Re: Then simply answer the question:
Too slanted, Bob... all one-sided; even the ...
The truth only has one side.
Re: "quitting was the only GOOD part"???
You heard it here first
You mean "millions more"
As his boss (a taxpayer), I disagree...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg