The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 19

Yes, that it.

Dave, is it wrong I want to kiss you right now? LOL

See, its been so long that I couldn't even remember the name of the darn thing! The Lookout, yes, that's it.

I had it all posted on my website awhile back and then changed servers. Also, I apparently have changed computers since then and didn't copy over my files. I'm all a mess.

If you could email those to me I promise to name my next kid Dave Brown Hertel (or another favor if you so desire).


Messages In This Thread

Anyone have a copy of the Illegal Newsletter?
I should
Looking specifically for Vol 1, No 2
Re: Looking specifically for Vol 1, No 2
Yes, that it.
it's on the way
What are you guys talking about?
My lack of organization...
I would be interested in seeing this newsletter to

Copyright 2022 David Spragg