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The Chip Board Archive 19

An observation on Colorado Belle $1 CIC's...

While at the Colorado Belle last evening, I went through several racks of $1 chips looking for the newer Bud Jones, foil CIC chips. It seemed that the mix of these newer Bud Jones "psuedo" CIC's and the older brass CIC's was about 1 : 10 (new : old) but that is just a ballpark estimate.

What was really interesting was that I did not see any "shiny" $1 brass CIC's. My observation would indicate that the "shiny" $1 brass CIC's, which was a re-order of the second version of Colorado Belle Bud Jones CIC chips (from around 2004, or so) was absent because they have all become tarnished over time. Probably from finger oil.


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An observation on Colorado Belle $1 CIC's...
Re: An observation on Colorado Belle $1 CIC's...
rofl Greg, Email you address & it's on the way
I wish I had known you were in need....
Done! Jim

Copyright 2022 David Spragg