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The Chip Board Archive 19

My unsolicited 2 cents

NOTE: This post is not specific to the auction discussed in this thread, as I have no real opinion in it in particular. On a broader view:

I have no real problem with creative marketing and presenting an item in a positive light but there a limit as too how much you should hype any item. As a newbie, I was certainly convinced to overpay for some chips based on the write up in the auction, but I stayed in the shallow end of the price pool and assumed a certain "Caveat Emptor" attitude. I learned from my mistakes and continued to educate myself.

To this day I will still pay a more than I think I need to (within reason), if the offering is something I really want and I have a need for instant gratification. I also am a believer in rewarding those that have proven themselves, if I feel I received a fair deal and great service from a seller, I am willing to pay a slight premium in support of that seller and for the confidence I have in them, for future chips.

Where I draw the line (and this is where it gets muddy, as everyone would draw it different) is when an outright lie is presented. Case in point; a certain scumbag, whom I will never deal with again, insisted that a certain auction was for a one-of a kind type of chip. I did a little research, could not find a mention anywhere of the chip and paid a hefty sum based on his information. No sooner had the auction been settled and he had another for sale and another after that. He even compounded the lie with more BS when I called him on it. Same rules go for the "One picture, Mint Condition" auctions; only to have the chip show up and sure enough, that one side has that “fresh from the cage” look, but the back looks like it was used as a "boot scraper".

Bottom line...just don't lie. I think its ok to "sell" a chip, but any outright misrepresentation is a serious breach of ethics. I would never deny anyone the right to make a profit, but in order for the chip collecting community to thrive, a little integrity is called for by all. This will keep the newcomers interested and ensure there is a market for the veterans in the future. Fortunately, 99% of my dealings have resulted in a positive experience and the fact that the group allows for open debate is yet another facet of the hobby that I enjoy.

Whew…that may be 4 cents worth but so be it.

Messages In This Thread

OMG Rich I bet your happy!!!!!.....
vbg vbg WOW!!! vbg vbg
Oh yes...Very!!! vbg
I dont know what all the fuss was about
I know that! $70 for an LE.....
uh....hey David?
Re: uh....hey David?
Thanks David!!
While your at it.....
I am just totally against the use
Ok Fair enough....
Re: Ok Fair enough....
"it happens sometimes".....
Ok, I can do that. That price doesnt change
Re: Rich IMO..
Re: Rich IMO..
Re: Rich IMO..
I'm curious about something here
My unsolicited 2 cents
I BLAME RICKY.........

Copyright 2022 David Spragg