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The Chip Board Archive 19

The original post by Fred had ALL to do with ...
In Response To: I think Doug said it best ()

... Social Security benefits being paid to current illegals. Fred's info was not correct. There is NO such bill in congress.

My response to Doug's post explains that our current SS does not pay one dime in any benefits to any illegal... The SS Administration has made it very clear that in 2005, alone, over $7-Billion has been contributed to the program by illegals and nothing returned to them in benefits... and that's the way it should be, IMO. I mentioned nothing about crime; and only staying with Fred's original topic: Social Security... and I certainly did not mention what portion of earned income by illegals is returned to their family. I only mentioned recorded/documented facts by our government.

I further noted that if Bush would have had his way to turn SS over to private business we would have certainly seen the same mess with SS as we are now seeing with AIG and the banks. Could you imagine some private outfit using the monies we gave to SS to buy boats, planes, houses and go on elaborate cruises...? That's my point about mentioning AIG and private control of our dollars.


Messages In This Thread

NCR Bill in congress to make Illegals
I don't normally collect illegals, but...
Just another "Urban Legend" .... totally false
Don't worry... none of what you said is true.
Re: Don't worry... none of what you said is true.
Re: Don't worry... none of what you said is true.
Re: Don't worry... none of what you said is true.
Yes, they are John, but there are also many
Thanks Doug for the support
Fred, I honestly cant understand why so many
Doug, if it were up to me I would send them all ..
I think Doug said it best
The original post by Fred had ALL to do with ...
I disagree Bob....
...and w/ unemployment as high as it is today ...
Re: ...and w/ unemployment as high as it is today
Now those are facts I can relate to vbg
Re: I disagree Bob....
I wish you were correct John, but you are wrong I
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Nice talk look up the bill S. 115 in the current
Re: Nice talk look up the bill S. 115 in the curre
I did read it. It's very clear and has nothing to
This post was in response to Fred's 1:10 am post
Fred, I am correct. There is no such bill ...
John read Jim McNally post it is very clear

Copyright 2022 David Spragg