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The Chip Board Archive 19

On a similar note…
In Response To: Re: Have we all gone crazy? ()

What does it mean to be to be proud of being Black, White, Indian, American, or Female? Ask yourself what did you DO to be Black, White, Indian, American, or Female. I can understand being proud of what your race, culture, or sex has accomplished, or even what you personally have accomplished, proud to be a Doctor, proud to have served in the military, proud to have achieved success in (whatever). All those things you had a choice in. I am a white American male, none of which I had any part of, it happened that way. I am proud of America and what it stands for, I am proud of what males have accomplished, I am proud white people have made some valuable accomplishments to humanity. There are some American white males that are the scum of the earth, so just because I happen to fall into a group does it make me proud? If so let me be the first to say I am PROUD to be a BREATHER! I can breathe …. BREATHEPOWER!! (whoa, maybe a little mouthwash is in order). More power to those who can breathe!!

Messages In This Thread

NCR - Where are all the Americans?
Re: NCR - Where are all the Americans?
Sad as it is but a lot of truth in that
Re: NCR - Where are all the Americans?
Have we all gone crazy?
WOW... You Irish really take this day serious. grin
I'm only Irish
Re: Have we all gone crazy?
On a similar note…
Here's one that shouldn't offend anyone.
GOOD ONE John!!!
Re: Here's one that shouldn't offend anyone.
Re: Here's one that shouldn't offend anyone.
Mike, those slaves you mention might not be ...
No question the stories are true John just...
Re: No question the stories are true John just...
Those who write those so-called jokes could care

Copyright 2022 David Spragg