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The Chip Board Archive 19

sad Doyles Room Poker Warning sad

Below is a copy of the e-mail I received from the Doyle Brunson Poker Network (Doyle's Room) today.

About a month or so ago, I gave warning to all of you about the decline of customer service involved in playing this site- The last check FINALLY showed up after 7 1/2 weeks, and had already cashed out completely after they were taken over by CAKE Poker, who will not deal with US players, since they ONLY give cashouts by Neteller, who now restricts online account access to US players after giving them until Jan 26 of this year to withdraw all funds.

The withdrawal page of Doyles Room still shows to allow 10-14 business days for the check to arrive.

The first two cashouts I made were recieved in two weeks, then they dropped to one month, then 7 1/2 weeks, now they are saying 8-10 weeks? I'll be surprised if Mr Brunson doesnt protect his personal and business image by pulling his name and sponsorship from this ever-increasingly shady poker site.

It is now almost 6 weeks since I initiated my final cashout, and received this message without even e-mailing to ask about the status of my check:

Dear Mr. Howard,

I send you a warm greeting from Doyle Brunson Poker & Casino.

First and foremost I would like to apologize for any and all inconveniences that, you may have or are inquiring from the delay on your withdrawal.

We regret to inform you that, one of our merchant processor which issued our outgoing check(s) has closed there operations with us due to unknown reasons as of 25-Feb-2009.

Due to the loss of one of our merchant processor our arrival time for regular check(s) of 6 to 8 weeks has just been changed to 8 to 10 weeks for any regular mail check and 5 to 10 days on all courier (FedEx, DHL or UPS) check(s) please keep in mind that, they could arrive sooner as you will be paid.

This is due to our merchant not processing all outgoing withdrawals that they had in there possession at the time of there closer which, could be anywhere from the beginning of January to date. Also, the email your receive in regards to your withdrawal request being processed does not mean it has been sent out by us or our merchant all this means is that, we have completed your request from our internal systems.

We do understand the frustration our customers feel when they do not receive there withdrawal request on time. We are also very aware of the situation in regards to how long the time frame is but, we cannot rush our processor to issue these checks immediately as we are not there only client.

We receive hundreds of emails asking the same question daily “Where’s my check(s)”. They all pretty much have the same issue in regards to there funds and how long this take’s compared to other sites (which we are not) and or they will not get paid from us or that we are nothing but a bunch of thieves and how they will post on every forum, blog and how they will seek legal assistance etc. etc. etc.

Please, this type of threatening emails will just be deleted as this will not help the situation at hand. Also, any repeating email asking the same question(s) will receive this same email every time and as for your options, you could either wait until you’re check(s) arrives or you can cancel your request and all funds will be replaced back to your account.

“VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ”: Our checks or the envelopes DO NOT have anything advertising Doyle’s Room on them so please, be careful of what you throw in the trash.

If you have any further questions in regards to this matter please, feel free to contact us either by phone or email.

Yours in service,
Jessica Moreno C.
Accounting & Withdrawals
Doyle Brunson Poker & Casino

Copyright 2022 David Spragg