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The Chip Board Archive 19

Jim to answer your questions honestly I must

report the following from Ca. The economy is getting worse every day. In San Berdino county unemp. is now 12.5% and rising. Home forclousers are real bad following the unemp. rate. Crime is the biggest problem. Vacant houses are being stripped, and the Ca. jails are full, so cops won't arrest anyone for theft or fraud under 500.00. Only arresting felonies.My Bank of America told me 5-7 bad checks are tring to be cashed every day, cops won't respond unless check over 500.00. I'm afraid the economy is going to get much worse down the road. Gov.of Ca. just said Obama money coming is short from what was expected, so raising income taxes,& other taxes, county sales tax now 9% in some counties. As a result chip prices are down and sales are slow. E-bay sales are down on all items. Retail sales still falling,auto sales at lowest level in 20 yrs., travel is way down, people are very scared, and many hurting badly. But, the high end folks are OK, for now, and high end chips are holding prices, for now. A Post a few hrs. ago showed many Vegas conventions canceled in the last 90 day's, causing a 130 million loss. A lot of people don't want to talk about how bad it's getting, but realistically it is real bad and getting worst. This has to have an effect on our convention. The club members who are middle income, are hurting, will want to come, but won't be able to make it. I hope I'm wrong, but I think attendance will be down 30-40% from last year. It's not because members don't want to support the club, they just can't afford a Vegas trip now. Our club is hurting, like all clubs, in these tough times. Let's face it, for most, chip collecting is a luxury. Fun, and we love it, but when cuts must be made, are collecting one of the first, to be put on hold or go. I see many collections for sale. The Board is doing everything they can to keep the club growing, and succesfull, working hard on the convention, but what a job in today's economy. I will be at convention, have for 8-9 yrs. actually can't wait,I hope my forecast is wrong and everything will improve in a hurry, but I doubt it. One thing I know for sure the club members are the greatest people you can find, and that won't change. Sorry, if I upset anyone, just trying to honestly answer Jim's questions.

Messages In This Thread

How Is The Chipping These Days??
Re: How Is The Chipping These Days??
Seems like the fun part is still with us. The Club
Re: Seems like the fun part is still with us. The
Re: How Is The Chipping These Days??
Still fun here Jim!
Everything I want is still expensive. vbg
Jim to answer your questions honestly I must

Copyright 2022 David Spragg