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The Chip Board Archive 19

grin Hi Tommy. So you had to ask vbg
In Response To: So Stevieee where are U? grin ()

Here is a little close-up of the cab.

grin Having fun Steve grin

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR... physical power 4 the construction group
Re: grin NCR... physical power 4 the construction gr
You're right...they're not wearing required PPE
or fools?
That's is truly amazing -- and that's from someone
So Stevieee where are U? grin
how much was that operator paid?!
grin Hi Tommy. So you had to ask vbg
Now that's funny!!!!
grin Hi Frank, I have some Tahoe chips for sale grin
Hi Steve :-) ...
grin Frank, you are Welcome anytime.... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg