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The Chip Board Archive 19

Aw, and I was hoping to have instant Street Cred..

with an expired card that would imply I had already been around for a year! rofl rofl rofl

Thanks again for all your work, Steve (as well as the rest of the ccgtcc officers; I'm sure you don't hear it enough)! The membership packet is great!

Brent J. Jensen
orbis non sufficit

Messages In This Thread

Wahoo! I'm Officially Officially Official! vbg
Welcome back Brent!
vbg And I even got the date right!! vbg
Aw, and I was hoping to have instant Street Cred..
Welcome Brent! grin
Welcome back Brent! Didn't I get my....
Yep, that's me! Which is why I'm...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg