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The Chip Board Archive 19

Walmart's Great Value Instant Grits are packed in

... a foil-lined paper wrapper while Quaker Oats brand instant grits are in plain, thin craft paper. The Walmart brand turns out perfect providing you add the grits to a pre-boiling mixtur of whole milk and water (I prefer 1 part water; 3 parts whole milk), otherwise the grits will become lumpy. Adding the butter should be done while the water and milk are still cold... and the constant stirring during a low simmer is a must so lumps will not form. The uncooked texture between the Walmart brand and Quaker Oats brand is like night and day and the Walmart brand is much finer once cooked. I skip the adding of salt. In fact, I have no salt at all in the house. grin


Messages In This Thread

A Room full of Mother in Laws?? rofl
Girls Raised In The South
Northerners Love Grits Too!!!!
with a handle, "Mississippi Dave" - well...
Walmart's Great Value Instant Grits are packed in
John, If Wal-Mart folds, you will starve to death!
Not with Obama around grin Here's what I buy at Wal
grin NCR • Grits?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg