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The Chip Board Archive 19

John, I dont really have time to play 20 Questions

with you all night, but I will humor you by answering your questions once again.

First let me make it clear, the ONLY time I "Quoted" you was in the last post to which you replied. That Quote can be distinguished from the rest of the post by the statement "And I Quote" followed by the Quotation Marks.

I have read that post NUMEROUS times and I stand by what I said. Here it is once again:
" The victorious agree with what you said
and those who were defeated can not find themselves to join in and support the president of the United States of America, but rather act like children and throw the bill on the floor of the senate. Real losers, I say... Real losers... reacting to defeat like children; crying in front of the whole world..."

Now you believe you meant to say Just that one republican (Or in another post you say Republicans referring to more than one), but if you take a minute to read the post with an open mind you will notice the following.

You mention " those who were defeated can not find themselves to join in and support the president of the United States of America, but rather act like children"

Any rational person would assume that you consider those that were not "Victorious" (Another one of your quotes) and stand up to disagree with a bill that they don’t support are "Losers" and "Reacting to defeat like children" (Both Quotes once again).

Well I consider myself someone that does not agree with the bill and I have to assume you consider me one of the non "Victorious" should I not assume I am in the same category as the "Losers" your talking about?

If your meaning was that ONLY those Republicans that disagreed with the bill and were in attendance at that time were "Losers", then maybe I misunderstood. However you never said ONLY those people, you said AND I QUOTE "And those who were defeated can not find themselves to join in and support the president of the United States of America, but rather act like children"

So I guess that since I don’t agree with the bill and seem to be on the "Defeated" team I am not a "Loser" after all as I was not present on the Senate Floor.

Instead I am just someone who is "Always trying to start a problem on this board when it comes to Obama" since I don't seem to agree with his every move.

Thanks for clearing that up John. vbg


Messages In This Thread

Any Magicians out there that can explain this?
Easy math.
You've made some good points (seriously).
Better Than "Borrow An Spend" As Your Republicans
Wait just a second there Dave. Your boy Obama
You Just need to call him "boy" don't you
Hu? Are you saying I am infering something by
I have inferred something from that statement
Rich, I dont feel I need an apology, but I do
Re: Rich, I dont feel I need an apology, but I do
You're going to show me where I said that, Doug...
John, Here is a link to your actual post.
Doug, please reread what I said.
Well, Doug; are you going to show us where I said
John, I dont really have time to play 20 Questions
You're still cutting my quote short ...
You need to go back to the beginning...
I agree that not every portion of any bill is not
John, While I appreciate your clarification, I
No Doug You can't say that!
Robert, Please dont take what I am saying wrong.
Naw !!! You gotta be Wrong DOUG!!!
"I believe the nation that invented the automobile
Germany is credited with inventing the automobile
I think what Don's quote means is that the USA
The quote is from Obama's speech to congress
Oops. I see what you meant now. That's too funny!
It was still "Don's quote" ...
Re: Any Magicians out there that can explain this?
Re: Any Magicians out there that can explain this?
This is what I heard Obama say:
It Seems
Point well made. Again (the bridge vbg ). Funny.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg