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The Chip Board Archive 19

CA. trying to pass e-bay sales tax on all sales

I just recieved a e-mail from e-bay saying I shout write a letter to CA. law makers saying I'm opposed to any new law requiring sales tax for all sales anywhere in world if I live in CA. Now the law say's if I sell to a buyer in CA. I must collect sales tax.. Most small e-bayers do not comply. States are looking for ways to increase revenue. The big retailers are lobbing to have the little guys pay like they do on internet sales. This if passes will spread to all states. We pay more, and more fee's now to e-bay, and pay pal. now if the High CA. sales tax are charged w/ postage increas, it will be expensive to sell chips.We are about to be taxed to death, fed. spending has to be re-paid, States broke are increasing taxes everywhere possible. Now our little chipping hobby! Any thoughts?

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CA. trying to pass e-bay sales tax on all sales
Re: CA. trying to pass e-bay sales tax on all sale
I feel your pain my brother! I feel your pain...
Welcome to Hotel CA. land of taxes, & more Taxes
Soon You Will Need A Permit For A Garage Sale
Rialto, Ca
Burbank, CA
Brigantine, NJ requires a permit

Copyright 2022 David Spragg