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The Chip Board Archive 19

$20 Chip of the Day - Caesars 9th Issue

For your viewing pleasure today is the 9th issue Caesars Palace $20 Baccarat chip:

This chip has the dubious distinction of being the $20 chip in my collection that I've purchased the most-- I think at least 4 different times from the baccarat pit. In order to limit the number of chips in my collection and have the nicest chips possible, I usually try to get chips in at least SU condition. Since this was such a common chip and available for face value it made a sensible addition, but of course by the time I wanted it, getting it from the tables in this condition proved to be impossible, since I think this issue was in use at least 10 years.

In any case, the story would be the same-- go into the baccarat pit in the middle of the afternoon when everyone was just standing around; walk up to a table with no one there, and ask for 5 of their nicest $20 chips. I would then explain to both the dealer and the pit boss (who would usually wander over with a bemused and/or concerned smile, wondering what a guy in shorts and a baseball cap was doing in his posh baccarat pit) that I actually collected them, ergo my perspicacity on condition, and then wait patiently as the dealer went through the rack and picked out 5 nice ones. I would always ask if new ones were available, and sometimes they would send me to the baccarat cage to inquire (who would invariably send me back to the tables).

They were always very friendly and helpful, and after collecting them I would scurry out of the pit, and wander over to the shops or other well-lit place to scrutinize them. After having chosen the best of the 5, I would head back to the cage and cash the other 4, keeping the best example for my collection.

Now if it ended there it probably would seem like a relatively normal chipper colleting a chip. But since I am anything but normal, as it happened on multiple occasions I would eventually grow dissatisfied with the condition of the remaining chip, and go cash it back in as well resolving to myself that it was worth the wait to get a nicer chip, and perhaps the next time I would have more luck vbg. I actually posted here on the board on multiple occasions, offering $40 for an uncirculated example, with no success.

Finally on my last trip to Vegas in July of 2007 where I on two occasions left my patient wife and 3-month old daughter waiting in the Forum Shops while I went to purchase a chip, I resolved that whatever I ended up with (at least the last time) would be what I would keep. I would love to say that this last time I was finally able to score the chip featured above: a final and fitting reward for my tireless searching. As is usually the case however the truth is much less romantic: I saw this one come up on eBay and was able to nab it for something around $25 including shipping. But all my prior efforts do make me appreciate it more. vbg

Brent J. Jensen
orbis non sufficit

P.S. As it happens I have an extra of this chip in nice AVG+ condition available for sale at face value or to trade, if anyone is interested. grin I am also always in the market for $20 chips from Nevada that I don't have (usually small-towns at this point). If you have any $20 chips in need of a new home, please contact me-- I promise to feed them, water them, and take real good care of them! vbg

Messages In This Thread

$20 Chip of the Day - Caesars 9th Issue
One of those dealers...
LOL, good one! Yeah the worst time was...
I appreciate your stories so much...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg