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The Chip Board Archive 19

Extra! Call for Club Raffle Donations Extra!

First of all, thanks to Wayne Murphy for revisiting this GREAT idea!!

If you remember from a couple of conventions ago, Neal Silverman ran two very successful raffles that had great participation from you club members and brought in a tidy sum for the Building / Museum Fund. This year, we are planning to raffle off as many chips as we can get you all to donate with the proceeds going towards the ccgtcc's General Fund. What we'd like for you all to do is to go through your traders, go through your collection and bundle up some extra chips that you might want to donate for the raffle.

We are looking for chips in good condition, please...chips that YOU'd have in YOUR collection. The chips can be from anywhere and be any type (roulettes, cash value, NCV's, etc...) -- the more the merrier. And all that we are asking for you to do right now is to gather up your donations and hang onto them until we can clarify where we'd like you to send them. That information may come as soon as tomorrow. Details about the raffle itself will also be forthcoming as soon as we get some of the details ironed out. I'll start it off with a group of 30 chips, mostly Las Vegas and a mix of everything from obsolete to live chips to NCVs to poker table buttons ("HOLD" & "RESERVED").

Please look around & gather up what you can...please show your support for the club. We will keep you all up-to-date as to the current chip count and hopefully that will spark you all into buying some raffle tickets!! vbg

Thank you for you continuing support & consideration. grin

Steve Bedo
ccgtcc Membership Officer

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Call for Club Raffle Donations Extra!
Re: Count Me In For a Donation

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