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The Chip Board Archive 19

Extra! Survivor update

A poison apple..or as Sierra put it...a snake in the grass. Goodbye Candace...hated to see her go. Hey candace, havent you ever watched Survivor before? You butted heads with the wrong person and simple fact, its always the bigmouth, complaining, bossy, snobs that are the first to go. Dumb.
A very good episode, with these characters and new twists is very easy to see that this season will be ranked in the top five. If I had to pick a winner right now I would say JT. Not great editing in the beginning, you could tell in the first five minutes that Candace was going to be the next to go, should her tribe go to tribal council.

I like the physical full contact challenges, dont you? Sandy was vicious, along with the other women, who out-preformed the guys. Nice touch with the bikinis Jeff, alot of blurring going on there. Timbira scored the first 2 points, but Jalapao the final three.....what a fantastic twist to exile island!!! and then another with the mutiny thing....going to be very interesting. I thought it was dumb for Taj to let everyone know who she is married too, while it may have earned her favor with the guys, it will haunt her in the end, however as we seen in the previews, a secret alliance with Brenden and Sierra from the other tribe, who knows. I like Sierra, she has heart, another Sugar, only smarter. and I dont think she is the weakest link, Errin didnt show much, maybe she is. I loved Sierra's quick thinking "oh, its a fire pit" LMAO.. hey people, its ten paces FROM the tree,not from where the clue was found....I will say kudos to Taj for telling Brenden, homelands is home camp...uh, Duh Brenden, not to quick there

I think its going to be a strong alliance with Joe, JT and Stephen....what about coach? sure hes a jerk, but very entertaining, could be him, Tyson and Jerry, whos happy to be flying under the radar right now

as Jeff said in tribal....your first tribal council and your first in last week.....its only going to get better...
sorry Rick....too bad we wont be seeing her in a bikini again

1. Bill Purcell.............Taj
2. Bob Stoops...........Spencer
3. Tom Hitselberger....Erinn
4. Jerry Canzoneri......Jerry
5. Virgil Foss.............Benjamin
6. Jovito Ng...............Brendan
7. Rick Armstrong......Candace...another bigmouth and snob...goodbye no. 2
8. Ron Lammer..........Stephen
9. Ricky Pushkin.......Carolina....history...1st to go
10. Paul Briggs...........Tyson
11. Tom Hanson.........Sydney
12. Phyllis Spagnola...Sierra
13. Richard Jezeski....Joe
14. Ellen Springer.......J.T.
15. Michael Levesque..Sandy
16. Rodney Anderson..Debra

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Extra! Survivor update
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