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The Chip Board Archive 19

for sale Doubles of this Mint $10 Hooters LTD Chip

I posted here several days ago that I have decided to sell my extensive Hooters Mint Uncir. Chips.
I am at a loss as to a fair price to ask for them. I know the Jan and Feb $5 Hooters Girls from the 1st Year of Release usually sell for quite a bit more than face but other than those (2), please make me a offer by email.

I am gonna post the $10 Chips now. (I only have doubles of (3) of the $10 Hooters, NO $100's, but I have alot $5's and $25's).

I decided to sell these Hooters, as I have lost some interest in them and I want to use the proceeds to add new items to my HR Collection.

Chris Graham, R-6754

Copyright 2022 David Spragg