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The Chip Board Archive 19

grin NCR • Thursday Humor (Mature)...

Three nuns die together in a horrible car crash and, since they lived a pure Christian life, are waiting at the pearly gates after they arrive at heaven. St. Peter announces there is a condition and that before entering, each nun must answer a question about Christianity.

The first nun walks up to Saint Peter and he asks her what the name of the first man on earth was.

"Oh, that's easy," the first nun says. "Adam!"

The gates open and she lives in peace for all eternity.

The second nun gets her question. "What's the name of the first woman on earth?"

She responds, "Eve!"

The gates open and the second nun walks in.

Now the third nun approaches. Her questions is, "What was the FIRST thing that Eve said to Adam?"

The nun thinks but she simply can't remember. So, not knowing what to do, she says "Oh, I don't know... that's a hard one."

The gates slowly open and she walks in.

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grin NCR • Thursday Humor (Mature)...
What Happened to WEDNESDAY????? *vb*

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