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The Chip Board Archive 19

Olds best line of cars GM has. Pontiac
In Response To: HOTROD OF THE DAY....NCR ()

also was. They want to quit building Olds. But that is the way American auto builders do business. If it is too reliable get rid of it. "Planned Obsolesence". No wonder they are begging for bailouts. I look forward everyday to seeing your hot rods. Thank you for sharing.

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Olds best line of cars GM has. Pontiac
Re: Olds best line of cars GM HAD
Well Bob,
No wonder I can not find Olds dealer!
Re: Olds best line of cars GM has. Pontiac
Beautiful car. 150,000 mi on my 80 when I gave it
Why is it called a "Hot Rod"?
Re: Why is it called a "Hot Rod"?
What is a Roadster?
vbg Nice!! Had a 57 98 Convert!! vbg

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