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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: Anyone ever seen this RCCL chip before??

You know Von, the more I look at this chip I don't think it is an error chip. Because the "50" is centered I'll bet it is designed that way so it can be used in Europe and Australia and any other location where the the US $ is not used. I will call RCI and see if they can tell me.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone ever seen this RCCL chip before??
I Have a Few of Them, How Many Do You Want?
None, i got one grin
Re: I Have a Few of Them, How Many Do You Want?
Von, If I'm not mistaken, these are now the...
i understand that but
Opps! Nice find!! I guess I'll have to contact...
Re: Anyone ever seen this RCCL chip before??
Re: Anyone ever seen this RCCL chip before??

Copyright 2022 David Spragg