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The Chip Board Archive 18

Janice Update

This is a copy of an E-Mail sent to a few close friends in
the last few days concerning Janice..

Below is a listing of what has happened in the last 5 or 6 weeks..
I have not updated anything due to the fact Janice has had a setback.

She was at Kindred Hospital we assumed doing quite well.
She was having trouble getting off the trac and one morning
started bleeding through the Trac. She was then transferred back to St. Rose
Domincan Hospital on Warm Springs. It was determined she was on a blood
thinner that she should NOT have been on. They did numerous X-Rays &
found out that the 2 wounds & other areas had NOT been treated properly
& they had infections that were not being treated for by the wound care
team at Kindred. St Rose took X-Rays of her chest & found in the area of
the chest where the quad By-Pass was done that one of the wires was broken
& the other had pulled right through her bone area in the chest. This could
have only happened due to the possible improper handling of her on their
attempt to put her in a chair & other things at Kindred. Now Noting this
the wound care team at St. Rose put wound Vacs on her chest & hip to clear
up the infections. After a short time the infections were stopped & her heart
doctor was able to go in and create something of a mesh around the heart
area in the chest & they were then able to pull her together & stable the wound
closed. They also had to put a corset around her the help with this procedure.
She is on Morphine & other medications & having a rough go right now due
to the pain that goes with all of this. She is back On the Ventilator & they
are slowly weaning her but she feels she can't breathe properly. She can't
speak right now so she is quite down. I can honestly say I do not know what the
outcome will be but she still continues to fight. Most of my time has been spent
at the hospital. I did learn TODAY that they will be keeping her at St. Rose
which is a relief to me. She is sleeping & being treated with the best of care.
Just say a few extra prayers for her.

Messages In This Thread

Janice Update
Jerry our Prayers are with her
More Prayers are Heading Your Way
God Bless
God Bless !!!!
My prayers for Janice
We are keeping Janice in our prayers
My prayers continue to be with both of you.
what a fighter...she'll win this one
Jerry wrote...
my prayers too.
Thanks for the update Jerry
Dear God we prey for Janice recovery. Amen
Thanks Jerry, we'll keep Janice in our prayers
Thanks for the update

Copyright 2022 David Spragg