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The Chip Board Archive 18

And the winner is.......
In Response To: Free Contest Time!!! ()

A little over 2 weeks ago I started a contest to guess how many miles we would travel during a 2 week trip from Nashville to Syracuse NY without giving any details as to where else we would be travelling. Well we started on Friday Oct 3rd and headed to Winston-Salem NC to visit the youngest daughters Godparents. We stayed there for 2 days then headed to Washington DC to visit Cindys sister. We stayed there 3 days then drove to DE for a quick visit with Jerry Birl. The next day we spent looking at the sights in Philadelphia before staying in Wilkes Barre. We next stopped at a friends house in Syracuse for 2 days and then drove to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls for 2 days. The last stop was at the oldest daughters Godparents house in Springfield, OH and then home. The schedule called for visits to 25 casinos but scheduling problems(and just lazyness grin ) means I only got to about 18 of them. And one word of warning if you want to visit the casinos near Niagara Falls - bring lots of money! The minimums at BJ were $25-50, $25 min at roulette and NO limit poker games at all. The best poker game was a $5-$5 no limit.

So how many miles did we put on the car? Would you believe 2891.9? That means that with a guess of 2834 the winner is Michael Downey. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for entering. BTW - since there wasn't any gas at the local stations when we left I kept track of the prices of gas where we went. I paid between $2.69 and $4.05 for gas and saw prices between $2.39 and $4.50. I think the oil companies are going to have another banner quarter.

Messages In This Thread

Free Contest Time!!!
grin 1771 (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)
2140 MILES
2236 miles and God only knows how muchin gas costs
1725 miles..Have a safe trip!!
2121 miles
2345 miles (six chips pictured?)
Yes 6 chips not 5
vbg 1,999 & thanks vbg
1737 miles thanks
1878 miles
1888 Miles
1765 miles
1,675 miles
2121 Miles
Sry, Bill - 2122 Miles vbg
1340 miles...Reggie
2055 miles
2,001 miles & thanks
1818 miles
2440 Miles
Re: 3135 Miles
2222 Miles
2208 Miles
2750 miles
1478 miles
1776 Patriotic miles
2525 miles
2800 Miles
2008 Miles
2834 miles
1958 Miles
And the winner is.......
I really wondered.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg