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The Chip Board Archive 18

ccgtcc slabFREE Only 275 Days until "SPLASHBAR V" vbg

And of course the only reason we will be in Vegas, the 17th annual ccgtcc Convention. Every year we have more new members come to the conv. Please make it if you can, you won't be disappointed. Here's hoping I get to meet a lot more members & to renew the friendships made over the years. "MR SPLASHBAR"

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc slabFREE Only 275 Days until "SPLASHBAR V" vbg
Ron and I love this photo !
Can I get in a group photo
rofl rofl You Betcha!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Now THAT'S a good group of people!
rofl rofl OF COURSE YOU CAN rofl rofl
Yes it is! grin
only if you can guess what I am drinking
ALCOHOL!!! What do I win??? vbg
wrong.. try again
and you would have won.....
My Favorite Splashbar Picture of all time !!!!!!!!
I was too busy gabbing with Jane.
My favorite picture of Bryan at the Splash Bar..
Yeah, we love to gab!!
What I want to know is ...
vbg Lyn W. vbg
Bedo.. this one is alcohol

Copyright 2022 David Spragg