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The Chip Board Archive 18

LOL... you SHOULDN'T, but...

this board is about 98% Republican. Look what happened to Dave Cygul. He posted a picture of Bush as Hitler and that upset at least one person into making a satanic reference towards him. (See link below.) Tons of people complained about Cygul's political statement (the Bush is Hitler picture), but I didn't see anyone call out the satanic reference towards fellow club member Dave. I think that is all you need to know about discussing politics on this board.

Personally, while not a fan of the picture, I don't think Dave deserved that comment. I thought about posting at the time, but Dave appeared unaffected by the comment and since I didn't want to get involved with one more holy war on this board, I let it go.

Just my $0.02


Messages In This Thread

USA I just got an e-mail from Obama (NCR) USA
From Americans like me...
And from Americans like me!
Oh really, change is brought about by Congress ...
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: If the Republicans win, WE ARE ALL SCREWED.
If the Republicans win, WE ARE ALL SCREWED....
There ARE other ways of bringing change...
Re: There ARE other ways of bringing change...
Re: There ARE other ways of bringing change...
Re: There ARE other ways of bringing change...
Not really, most of the money comes....
Don't put too much faith in polls
Re: Don't put too much faith in polls
Anybody remember the headline after the election;
Money would be better spent if you donated it to
Not a bad point...
I Couldn't Agree More!....
Re: Money would be better spent if you donated it
Who? Just your Aunt Fannie and Uncle Freddie! grin
a LOT of very frustrated folks.
The economy must not be that bad...
He Gets It From The Plates of Rev Wright Types
(NCR) (Political) We shouldn't be afraid to state.
2 for McCain, and proud of it!
I'm afraid....
The Hot Librarian Chick !!!!!!!
First let me check with Hamas.
LOL... you SHOULDN'T, but...
Bryan, While not really wanting to get into
grin Doug said: "What I dislike is the degree of ..
"downrigt stupidity" that was a good one grin
Yeah. I saw it, but figured; ah, what the heck grin
grin Just giving you the business a little bit! grin
Doug... that's no excuse.
Bryan, Are you reading the same post that I am?
Yes, but we're not reading it the same way
Thanks Bryan, as you can tell by my superior
Re: Yes, but we're not reading it the same way
rofl That has to be one of my best typos ever!
Far, far, far from being 98%
Hey thanks for the support Bryan, and...
Re OBAMA --The Flim-Flam man

Copyright 2022 David Spragg