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The Chip Board Archive 18

South Point

Just a post to let everyone know that our convention future will be judjed on room nights. Because of the price we got at a first class facility we should not have to bribe the membership or offer incentives to stay at the host hotel. Please book your rooms through the club's block when the reservation system is set up. It would be nice if everyone who is able would book an extra night. Wayne and the board jumped through hoops to get us this deal. Please do your part by staying at South Point so we can make it easy for the next President and board. Thanks, Jim

Messages In This Thread

South Point
Chuck I got ND +9 on line.Go Irish
were the hoops flaming? I buy an extra night to
South Point Suites
7 nights here!
Re: 7 nights here!
Not sure I can stand the excitement! grin grin
Extra! Hay Greg I was thinking maybe I
Re: Extra! Hay Greg I was thinking maybe I
Let me start now any1 willing
I'll be staying an extra night.
I will stay there.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg