The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 18

Hey Spraggie - what a motley looking bunch of.....

....chips. I know the exchange rate is a little out of line right now, but my 20 chips are definitely more valuable and desirable than your group of discs (I've throw away better stuff than that).

With all that being said, I will still be GLAD to have you ship them to me immediately after the final match next Sunday. I will be leaving for Louisville this Sunday and I will be home on Monday evening Septembedr 22nd if all goes according to plans.

Take care,
Jerry "Bring the Ryder Cup back to America" Birl

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Ryder Cup Bet(s) - Attn Jerry Birl
Hey Spraggie - what a motley looking bunch of.....
I will be away until the 22nd also, so

Copyright 2022 David Spragg