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The Chip Board Archive 18

Lets not doom and gloom

Just a few points. First off, let me just say "Yes, I feel your pain." I too have had plenty of chips of various values plummet in value after a few boxes or more have come to the marketplace. However, I do not collect merely as an investment. I collect because I think these little round artifacts are cooler then all get out.

Secondly, if I look at the overall value of my collection, it has dramatically risen from what I have paid. As many dealers will quickly agree, I do not over pay for chips. I pay what I think the chip is worth. Maybe I should say I pay what the chip is worth to me. I don.t have to have the all of the chips I love, nor all at once. I try to be patient and pick them up piece by piece. There are many many chips that I will never own because I won't pay thousands of dollars for them. The collection just isn't that important to me. It's not that I can't afford them, it's just a matter of value to me. I'm not that dedicated to my collection.

It's the one little part of our hobby that can bite us in the ass. It has happened many times in the past, and will continue in the future. But's a very small part. Remember also that this should be well offset by all of the chips that you paid face for that doubled or tripled in value. Hopefully, someday, when you're dead and gone you're family can sell the collection off for a nice price. should be collecting because you enjoy them. Far too many collectors who start off collecting because they think the chips are cool get diverted into selling on ebay to try to make a couple of bucks. Next thing they know, they don;t collect, they just sell. They only buy to resell.

Ask around to the dealers. Many of them don;t even collect anymore. They get into the sales side, and it then becomes a business instead of a hobby. Do they enjoy it as much? I 'm going out on a limb and say no.

Let also not forget that this casino was a little place that was only open from 1998-2000. There can't be that many chips. I'm guessing that Mike is pushing them out and they will be gone soon. Expect to see them at much higher prices in the future. Prices will be down now, but they'll rebound some. Be happy that he isn;t playing games and trying to piece them out here and there hiding what he has.

Messages In This Thread

Set of 10 $1-$100 Mesquite Star, NV chips for $27
I'll take a set. Email coming.
Re: I'll take a set. Email coming.
I'm not selling them to you! :-) Maybe mike will
Interested in chips, email coming also
email on its way
My name is Terry Shaffer and I endorse his offer
Payment sent Mike...thanks!
Re: Set of 10 $1-$100 Mesquite Star, NV chips for
Lets not doom and gloom
Re: Lets not doom and gloom
Re: Lets not doom and gloom
Mike's "very unusual for a casino to do that"
email sent, looks like a good deal to me! grin
email and payment sent.
Re: Set of 10 $1-$100 Mesquite Star, NV chips for
Payment sent Thanks!
I'll take a set. Payment sent. Thanks
OK, so I gotta ask.
E-Mail sent Mike
E-mail sent Thanks!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg