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The Chip Board Archive 18

NCR: Barry H...You Are the BESTEST!! grin

Thanks for the unexpected box of Hooter's goodies (cool "Hooters" shampoo bottles, soap, etc)....a VERY nice treat as I spent my day rebuilding and painting a culinary well cover. Yup, we don't have "city pipe water" out here in the country, so occasionally I get the supreme joy of fighting black widow spiders, dirt, splinters, etc. to ensure that our well (water system) works as it should ......big-freaking-whoopie....I needed something to make me smile today.....and this did! grin grin
Just another reason why THIS CLUB IS THE BEST!!

Messages In This Thread

NCR: Barry H...You Are the BESTEST!! grin
You're To Kind vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg