The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 18

"VALID TO SEPT 30 2008"

If your magazine, which for most will arrive this week, has 'VALID TO SEPT 30 2008' in the area of your mailing address, please note that your membership expires at the end of this month. The ccgtcc will be sending out reminder postcards, but in an effort to save the ccgtcc some postage, I'd request that all of you that have memberships expiring at the end of this month either send your renewal money to me (payable to the ccgtcc ) -- $30 BULK, $44 First Class & $55 foreign -- or renew on-line at the ccgtcc website.

Having your membership current is important because when it comes time to assemble the mailing list for the printer, we order very few extra copies, in order to keep the costs down. If you renew too late and after the next issue has gone to the printers, you may miss out on that particular issue of the club's award-winning magazine.

So please, renew early & renew often!! vbg

Steve Bedo
ccgtcc Membership Officer

Copyright 2022 David Spragg