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The Chip Board Archive 18

Hey Spraggie - I got my Ryder Cup Tickets !!!


I got my Ryder Cup tickets and I can't wait to see the Euros give the Cup back to the USA.

I will post a scan of 20 Rioulette and Illegal chips with a value of $100 as my part of our wager on the Cup.

Please post a scan of your Roulette and Illegal chips with a $100 value as your part of the wager.

When the Euros lose you can send me your chips and make me a very happy camper !!!

Take care,

Messages In This Thread

Hey Spraggie - I got my Ryder Cup Tickets !!!
I just read on the news that we are not even
Dave,here are my chips - let's see yours !!!
Don't forget our 650/250 bet.
Okay Boys..Time To Get Your Licks In

Copyright 2022 David Spragg