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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: They could be twins!
In Response To: They could be twins! ()

I agree with a lot of what you say however as I think you mentioned, Obama has no real foreign policy expertise either.

The unfortunate part here really is that there ARE a lot of ignorant dangerous people out there.
NO I don't say they are ignorant or dangerous becasue they chose one party over another but because they are lemmings following each other over the edge of a cliff.

I have personally spoken to several younger people some of whom are voting for the first time and basically they are just following the crowd being totally oblivious to the issues at hand.

Another unfortunate factor here that many don't like to talk about is that this election is going to be alot about gender and race as everything else.
Historically while most blacks do vote democratic, now I'm sure with a black candidate it becomes more of an issue than ever before.

On the same token, It doesn't take a genius to figure out that one of the reasons that McCain chose Palin is to garner at least some of the female vote.

Sad isn't it when it isn't an election based on issues but a popularity contest

Messages In This Thread

I'm voting for the Alaskan chick
Re: I knew she looked familiar.
I can't wait to see the rest of his cabinet.
Re: I can't wait to see the rest of HER cabinet...
They could be twins!
Re: They could be twins!
I agree with you...
Re: I agree with you...

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