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The Chip Board Archive 18

Good places for info

I've posted this before, but here is a realy good board for discussions around CPAP machines:

One theme you will see there is that a lot of Drs and Medical supply companies really don't understand the features & advantages of different machines and masks. I HIGHLY recommend that if you are going into this area, do a lot of research and be educated. To paraphase someone from the board: "No one, not your Dr, not you sleep clinician, not your equipment provider has as much interest as YOU in getting you problem resolved"

I have used the following company for my stuff and have had very good experiences with them:

My machine broke, I called them on Monday morning, they had a replacement machine to me Tue (and since they were out of stock on the machine I ordered, they upgraded me for free!)

Messages In This Thread

NCR.. Dying From Sleep Apnea..Call Terry S.
More Posts Please...Let's Save Some Others...
Re: NCR.. Dying From Sleep Apnea..Call Terry S.
Been on the CPAP Machine for almost 3 years
Re: Been on the CPAP Machine for almost 3 years
NCR...A couple Other Things...
Now you're talking...!
Re: Now you're talking...!
Terry got me a BPAP machine it's the best Tks. T.S
I snored so loud the neighbors couldn't sleep
Thank you vbg
Re: NCR.. Dying From Sleep Apnea..Call Terry S.
Good places for info

Copyright 2022 David Spragg